VPC worship

A space for information, resources, and upcoming events for VPC Worship participants. Our mission is to love Seattle by teaching and living the way of Jesus.

grow in heart & skill

We expect that each person in our worship community is investing in a relationship with Christ above all else. We desire that each one of us grows in our understanding of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as we become increasingly transformed in righteousness. We also expect that we continue to find ways to grow in our skill, whether that is taking voice lessons, or studying music theory, we want to increase our education.

Upcoming Events

monthly team Potluck

Date: Coming Soon
Time: Coming Soon
Location: Coming Soon

Theme: TBD

Join us for our monthly team lunch! This is an opportunity to build community with fellow worship volunteers. Each month we will have a different theme potluck, so we invite you to bring a dish depending on the theme. See you there! RSVP below.


Resources for vpc culture

We are developing opportunities to teach and live the way of Jesus. We do this by creating intentional expectations and culture for both the worshiper and worship leader.

VPC Worship Handbook

An overview of our mission, values, expectations, and tools.

VPC Song Repertoire

A list of the songs used for our weekly worship gathering.

Planning Center Overview

Overview on how to create an account and log-in to Planning Center Online.

Resources for heart

When David decided to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem. God gave very clear instructions to the Levites for the task, specifically in how they should lead Israel in worship before the Ark. In this passage of scripture below we see that God chose certain Levites for certain positions and the choir leader was chosen, not for his passion, but rather his skill in leading worship. These resources are to help you grow in your skill.

Daily Devotionals

SheReadsTruth/HeReadsTruth is a daily devotional that dives into different topics and books of the bible.

rule of life podcast

The Rules of Life podcast is designed to guide you in arranging your everyday life around being and becoming like Jesus.

Song devotionals

The Worship Initiative has developed devotionals based on worship songs. You can read them online or listen on Spotify.

vpc resource page

Find a more extensive list of resources such as tools, recommended reads, and past sermon series.

the walk: Devotionals for worshippers

The Walk invites listeners to travel along and learn how God uses the practice of worship to develop in all of us a deep faith with an overflow of joy.

Resources for skill

1 Samuel 16:7 says, “People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” You may have the most unbelievable voice, or musicianship, but if your heart’s motivation is to bring you glory and not God alone, we won't experience all that God has for us. We want to worship God with genuine passion. These resources are tools to nurture and grow your relationship with God.

the worship initiative craft training

Video series that provide training on instruments, vocals, and more.

jacobs vocal academy

Vocal exercises for singers of all levels as well as trainings on specific skills. Lessons can be found on Spotify and Youtube.

worship ministry training podcast

Vocal exercises for singers of all levels as well as trainings on specific skills. Lessons can be found on Spotify and Youtube.

Playback & multitrack training

For those interested in learning more about our click and track system, Multitracks and Playback. Start with the basics and learn some more advanced concepts along the way.

song suggestions

We would love to hear your suggestions for songs as we develop our VPC Song Repertoire. Your input is valuable as it gives us insight into the themes and styles of songs that are impacting your relationship with God.

When submitting a song request, consider the following:

  • Scriptural Alignment:

    • Are the lyrics and theme of this song in line with our SDA biblical teachings, beliefs, doctrines? If unsure, a good resource would be our pastor or our elders team.

  • Congregational Engagement:

    • Is this song singable/ easy to learn (appropriate range of melody, not too syncopated etc.) and resonate with the congregation, encouraging active participation?

  • Worshipful Focus:

    • Could this song lead congregants into a posture of worship and adoration of God, rather than focusing solely on personal experiences or emotions?

What happens with our song suggestions?

When it’s time to refresh our Song Repertoire, the worship leaders take various factors in consideration such as sermon series, themes/feedback from congregation, song familiarity etc. Songs from this suggestion form will be added for consideration. While not all songs will be selected, we will note the styles of these songs and work to craft something similar if possible.